How We Work

Our (Awesome) Creative Process

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In the Discover Phase, we do a lot of listening and you do a lot of talking about what you are trying to accomplish. By phone, video or in person meetings, we'll establish project objectives, outcomes, timeline, budget, and other specifications unique to your business and the project. We’ll share relevant samples from our Portfolio and encourage you to contribute examples or ideas that appeal to you.

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In the Design Phase we show you ‘awesome in action’ as your project takes shape. We begin the Design Phase based on the project specifications established in the Discover Phase. We’ll review creative materials, resources, roles, and timeline. As we put our creative minds to work, you’ll see mock-ups (first drafts) of the design and your feedback will guide revisions.

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Once a final design is approved, we move into the Development Stage where we merge the visual appeal of a design with functionality. Depending on the project, this can include the user experience, focus group testing, coding, quality control, and other technologically-driven measures to ensure your website, app, or other project is delivered on deadline and performs according to specification.

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Digital projects will have a launch date for when the website, app, or interactive campaign will go “live.” This is the real test of user functionality—when your audience is hands-on. Based on performance measures, we will make necessary adjustments to enhance performance. Our goal in the Deployment Stage is continuous satisfaction for you and your customers/end users.

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We’re here for you. Your success is our success. From routine maintenance on your new website to troubleshooting or simply making refinements as your business needs change, you can count on us for tech support (and moral support, when needed!).